Russian Greetings

The easiest way to greet so:

Russian version \Russian phrase written in Latin \ [transcription (as read)] \ English translation

Доброе утро! Dobroe utro  - [Dobraye ootro]  = Good morning
Добрый день! Dobriy den [Dobriy den'] = Good afternoon
Добрый вечер! Dobriy vecher [Dobriy vyecher] = Good evening

These phrases, you can to greet a close friend or a group of strangers.
These phrases are not used at farewell.
The russian word "добрый (доброе)" [dobriy, dobrae] means "good", in this case rather "favourable". It's just a fact of the good weather.

You can say:
Здравствуйте! Zdravstvujte [Zdrastvooyte - don't say the first letter "v"] = Hello.
But litterally it's "wish be healthy".  As informal option - "Здравствуй! " Zdravstvuj [Zdrastvooy]- it's for a friend.

Another informal option:
Привет! Privet [Preevyet] =  Hi!

Listen and repeat:

easy to understand with the scheme:

Russian letters in Latin character

Таблица соответствия русских букв латинским буквам
Russian letters and their translation to Latin character

How to speak russian easy

Off boring textbooks. Learn Russian as children.
Listen to a lot of Russian speech. Get used to the sound.
Repeat  sounds, words, phrases. Get used to the pronunciation.
Learn everyday phrases. Use them in your life.
And then you know the rules.